
温州 乐清市
岗位职责Job Duties: 1、负责向客户传达公司产品信息、企业文化与销售政策,积极争取代理商订单,完成销售目标; 1、Responsible for delivering the company's product information, corporate culture and sales policy to customers, and grab the chance to get orders from distributors to achieve sales targets. 2、负责积极开发新客户,完善客户管理,定期地做市场分析,及时向上级汇报客户情况; 2、Responsible for proactively developing potential customers, improving customer management, regularly doing market analysis, and timely reporting to director on the customer situation. 3、负责根据客户需求,对产品进行报价,对付款条件等合同细节进行商务洽谈; 3、Responsible for quotation of products based on customer needs, and business negotiation on payment terms and other contract details. 4、负责与客户进行日常的业务沟通往来,节假日问候与赠送礼品,维护客户关系; 4、Responsible for daily business communication with customers, holiday greetings and gifts give away to maintain customer relationships properly. 5、更新上传产品,对客户的询盘进行及时的回复,报价,订单处理,以及产品的售后服务等; 5、 Upload products up to date, make timely reply to customers' inquiry, quotation, order processing, and after-sales service, etc. 6、参与公司国际展会的筹办与推广工作; 6、Involved in the preparation and promotion of the company's international exhibitions. 7、积极参加各类培训,不断提高业务的专业水平、综合能力及工作业绩; 7、Participate in all sorts of training, and continuously improve the professional level of business, comprehensive ability and work performance. 8、负责参与协调客户退换货,参与质量问题分析协调,检查客户退换货物原件; 8、Responsible for dealing with customer returns and exchanges, participating in the analysis and coordination of quality issues, checking the returns and exchanges. 9、处理好与各部门的关系,及时了解最新产品信息与动态 ; 9、Harmonizing the relationship with the other departments and stay up to date on products. 任职要求Job requirements: 1、国际商务、工商管理、英语等相关专业,本科及以上学历; 1、International business, business administration, English and other related majors, bachelor degree or above. 2、2年以上外贸工作经验,有低压电气从业经验者优先; 2、More than 2 years of foreign trade experience, prefered with low-voltage electrical industry working experience. 3、熟练使用office等办公软件,英语四级及以上水平,能够熟练英文交流,读写英文邮件或资料; 3、skilled technique of office software such as WPS, CET4 or above level, good command of English speaking , reading and writing 4、有较强市场和客户开拓能力,能够深入了解公司产品的国际业务模式; 4、Strong market and customer development capability, able to understand the international business mode of the company's products. 5 为人处事正直、坦诚、成熟、豁达、自信,有高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神,较强的观察力和应变能力。 5、Personality: integrity, honesty, maturity, open-mindedness, self-confidence, high value on work enthusiasm,and team spirit, good capabilities of perception and flexibility .
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