
上海 浦东新区
你会获得: 这是一个具有全球化视野的行业,加入我们,通过这个岗位,您能逐渐成长成独当一面的金融机构合作负责人,了解当前跨境支付及全球支付的底层能力。 职责描述: 1. 对接海外不同国家的支付渠道,参与境外金融渠道商务谈判,负责准入流程资料和文件的整理和管理,确保入驻流程高效、规范; 2. 负责已接入支付渠道的管理和维护工作,负责渠道例行审查,日常运营需要的相关资料准备,及时跟进解决突发异常情况,并做好记录和汇报,确保业务正常有序运转; 3. 撰写和整理相关文档 SOP,保证资料的准确性和完整性; 4. 协助渠道经理处理日常的合作事务,包括沟通协调、数据统计分析等。 任职要求: 1. 对跨境支付行业充满热情,具备团队合作精神,良好的沟通能力,积极配合渠道经理完成团队目标和任务; 2. 具备良好文书工作习惯,能够细心高效无差错地管理多方资料和任务; 3. 大学本科及以上学历,有留学经历,具有良好的口头和书面沟通能力,能够进行日常的英文邮件和电话沟通。 4. 有跨境支付相关工作经验加分。 We are currently seeking a motivated and detail-oriented Junior FI operation specialist to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for organizing documents, handling exceptions, and managing other paperwork related to oversea banks or financial institutions. Responsibilities: 1.Coordinate payment channels in different countries, participate in international business negotiations, and manage onboarding documents to ensure efficient and standardized onboarding processes. 2. Manage and maintain existing payment channels, conduct routine institution reviews, prepare necessary operational materials for daily operations, promptly address and resolve unexpected issues, and maintain accurate records and reports to ensure smooth business operations. 3.Write and organize relevant documents such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure accuracy and completeness of documentation. 4. Assist managers in handling daily cooperation affairs, including communication coordination, data analysis, and other tasks as needed. Qualifications: 1. Passion for the cross-border payment industry, strong teamwork spirit, and excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with channel managers and achieve team goals. 2. Good organizational skills and ability to manage multiple tasks and documents effectively. 3. Demonstrated ability to excel in paperwork tasks, with a meticulous, efficient, and error-free approach to document management, ensuring accuracy and completeness of documents. 3. Bachelor's degree or higher with overseas study experience, excellent verbal and written communication skills, capable of daily communication via email and phone in English. 4. Priority given to experience in cross-border payments related work. Benefits: Joining us offers you a global perspective in the industry. Through this foundational role, you will have the opportunity to grow into a key player responsible for collaborating with financial institutions, gaining insights into cross-border and global payment capabilities.
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