
上海 长宁区
Responsible for creating, implementing and automating testing in support of software test requirements. The QA Engineer will execute and report on tests conducted (both manual and automated) and manage resulting defects, regress systems under test, assist development with replicating and debugging problems and develop new test solutions as needed. The QA Engineer has a technical and scripting/test skill set as well as a solid compliment of analytical and technical abilities to automate manual test cases while adhering to all company standards. Participate in feature requirement analysis, user case review; produce test cases and risk analysis. The QA Engineer will need to have a solid understanding of mobile platforms, Android & iOS in particular, and have some development experience for these systems. In addition the QA Engineer is also expected to look into software codes, and look for cause of problem, make fixes when necessary. 工作期望: Job Expectations: • 测试实例和测试文档的创建 • Test Case and Test Document creation • 确定并建立质量保证自动化流程和程序 • Define and set up QA automation processes and procedures • 设置、配置质量保证实验室环境 • Setup and configure the QA lab environment • 创建并执行自动化集成/系统测试 • Creates and performs automated Integration/System Tests • 创建并执行自动化回归/稳定性测试 • Creates and executes automated Regression/Stability Tests • 创建并执行自动化功能测试 • Creates and executes automated Functional Tests • 运行手动测试 • Runs manual tests • 研究并追踪缺陷 • Researches and tracks defects • 创建并加强自动化验收测试 • Creates and enhances the automated acceptance tests • 确定并汇报质量保证度量标准 • Defines and reports on quality assurance (QA) metrics • 创建、维护QA文档 • Assists with Release Coordination • 创建、维护软件构建 • Create, maintain software builds • 协助开发者定位故障 • Assist developer to locate bugs • 移动/平板电脑和网络/应用程序测试 • Mobile/Tablet and Web/Application Testing • 知悉软件开发生命周期 • SDLC Understanding • 监测移动/网络系统的缺陷 • Monitor mobile / web system for defects • 为公司产品执行和维护配置管理控制 • Perform and maintain configuration management controls for company products • 利用系统分析技术和程序,在任何适用的平台上对所有软件产品进行测试 • Performs other duties as assigned • 设计并实施测试自动化框架 • Design and Implement test automation framework 知识、技术和能力: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: 要求: Required: • 沟通技能,必须具备清楚的表达能力,掌握大量的技术词汇 • Communication Skills, must be able to articulate, and have a strong technical vocabulary • 自动化和手动测试经验 • Automation and Manual Testing Experience • 拥有使用跟踪工具获取日志的经验 • Experience using trace tools to capture logs • 拥有日志文件分析经验 • Experience in log file analysis • 拥有使用故障跟踪工具的经验 • Experience with a bug tracking tools • 运用TFS工具进行测试自动化 • Understanding of test automation using TFS a plus • 了解敏捷环境/持续交付 • Project Manager Interaction Experience • 网站及/或移动应用测试经验 • Web and/or Mobile Application Testing Experience
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