
Cloud Network Expert - 云网络研发专家
上海 浦东新区
service mesh
About us eBay has more than 15 years experience of building and running cloud, and now we are in the transition to the 3rd generation cloud platform with the most advanced technologies supporting eBay business rapid growth. This platform is aimed to inspire the eBay developers to be more innovative and productive, and empower them with full stack offerings from infrastructure to application. Meanwhile, the eBay Cloud is engineered for reliability, scalability and security all the time. eBay Cloud Network is one of the key infrastructures and essential capabilities to support eBay Cloud Products and Cloud applications. By pursuing many popular cloud technologies like Container Network Interface, Service Mesh, Zero Trust. We are not just working with the world-level experienced experts in this industry together, to lead and drive all evolution of cloud technologies, but also getting daily hands on experiences in solving very complex, challenging engineering problems in a super large scale distributed platform. Job description eBay Cloud Network team is looking for fearless engineers who are eager to get their hands dirty with new technologies in Cloud areas. The ideal candidate should demonstrate an ability to design, develop and operate the eBay cloud networking products, he/she will be encouraged and empowered to share ideas, build POCs, write blueprints, pilot use cases and eventually make something different across the whole eBay. Your responsibilities • Create design blueprints and brainstorm with the team on ideas to make the product more scalable and better for customers; • Implement and deliver solutions with a thorough plan; • Create CI/CD pipelines with sufficient UT, E2E testing; • Setup monitoring, alert and pager to handle unexpected failure, define operational runbooks; • Identify bottlenecks and enhance existing components of the product; • Support customers by addressing their issues and guide them in using the product; Requirements • Major in computer science or related fields; • Expertise in one of the network infrastructure services such as SDN (software defined network), OVN (Open Virtual Network), SDN ( software defined Load Balancer), DNS and etc; • Proficiency in a structured programming language, Go is preferred, C, C++, Java are acceptable; • Hands-on micro service architecture experiences using Kubernetes. Expertise with Kubernetes ecosystem services. • English communication in both written and oral; • Customer first attitude; • (Bonus) Lead or participant in CNCF open source projects like Istio, Calico, Cilium, envoy; • (Bonus) Expertise in Linux kernel, eBPF.
上海市 · 电子商务 · 100-499人