深圳市 · 原材料及加工/模具


盛弘升精密有限公司座落于深圳,是一家年销售额1000万美金的出口型制造工厂,同时也是一家塑胶模具成型行业的领军企业,是一家能帮助您从产品概念到成品实现提供整套解决方案的厂商。 我们专业的工程及管理团队在产品设计、模具制造、注塑成型、表面处理和质量控制等方面均具有非常丰富的经验。在向北美、南美、欧洲和日本等国的客户提供高质量的精密模具、注塑产品以及高精零件的同时,也为中国的外资企业提供专业的模具制造、注塑成型加工等服务。凭借优异的质量和服务,我们已和世界许多知名公司建立长期稳定的合作伙伴关系。所涉及的领域包括:连接器,消费电子,汽车配件,小家电,医疗配件等。 多年来,盛弘升致力于提供塑胶产品的一站式解决方案。现在,盛弘升已经能够以自身的生产实力以及经验为您提供提供全方位的服务。其中包括三个大类别:模具制造;注塑成型以及表面处理,以及众多辅助性的服务,如手板制作;五金冲压;硅胶成型以及吸塑包装。 保证客户得到满意的产品和服务是盛弘升的经营方式和管理要求。期待与您真诚合作,共创辉煌事业。 我们能为您做什么: 模具制造: 我们的模房装备有全部从瑞士及日本进口的电脑数控机床。工程部队技术人员全部在模具制造行业从业10-20年。我们的海外销售及项目管理团队也在这个行业的服务方面非常有经验。这些软件实力保证了我们与海外客户的顺畅交流,让我们能够完全理解客户的每一个要求,并将之反应在模具制造上,做出令客户100%满意的模具。 注塑成型: 盛弘升是一家以实际生产为导向的模具制造企业。我们从事注塑成型以及组装行业多年,在模具制造过程中会更加多地考虑后期大货生产时的问题,而不仅仅是模具本身。 我们的注塑车间拥有台湾生产的注塑机40多台,庞大的机群能够保证消费级别的产品的快速加工。另外还有全电动高速注塑机若干台,如住友,法那科,东洋等,以加工精密以及薄壁产品。除此以外,还有大吨位的双色模注塑机。 绝大部分注塑机都装配了日本STAR的机械手。 表面处理: 盛弘升的制造业探索之路就起于表面处理。如今,我们能够达成的工艺已不仅限于塑胶类,还包括其他材料,如五金,硅胶等。 盛弘升能够为您提供的表面处理服务包括:自动喷涂;UV加固;氧化;电镀;丝印;移印;镭射;彩喷;热转印等。 HOSHEN PRECISION CO., LTD. Hoshen Precision is an exportation-oriented manufacturer and leading solution provider of plastic mould making and injection, with annual sales revenue at 10 million USD. Hoshen Precision is: Staffed with over 500 experienced employees, including 20 senior engineers in mould designing Equipped with decades of Europe and Japan imported precision facilities, EROWA and over 40 injection machines from Japan and TW. Besides the machines to make moulds, the testing machines with state-of-art technology, like Hexagon 3D Inspector, Mitutoyo Height Measuring, etc., help us to measure and guarantee the quality, reliability and consistency. Certified with ISO2000:2008, DME, HASCO, PCS, MUSUM, FDA, ROHS, etc.. Working with overseas customers mainly in Europe, North America and South America. ? Who is benefiting from Hoshen's service: Customers mainly in industries of: ? Electronics; ? Connectors; ? Auto Parts; ? Medicare; ? Appliances ? What solutions we offer? For years, Hoshen has been catering to provide one-stop solution to make plastic parts and products. Now, Hoshen is already able to help you with its own manufacturing power and experience on three big parts: Mould Making; Plastic Injection and Surface Processing; with auxiliary services like Prototype Making; Metal Stamping, Rubber Forming, and even Packaging. ? Mould Making: The mould making workshop is equipped with state-of-art machinery all from Switzerland and Japan. Our engineer team has all been in plastic mould making for 10-20 years. By working with the experienced overseas sales and management team, and helped by high-precision measuring instruments, we are able to communicate with overseas customers, fully understand their needs in detail and help them to make moulds with full satisfaction. ? Plastic Injection: Hoshen is a manufacturing-oriented mould maker. Years in injection makes us concern more on the mass production, not only mould making itself. We have over 40 sets of injection machines from TW, to ensure fast production of consumer products in particular; multiple high-speed all-electric machines from Sumitomo, Fanuc and TOYO. Also big ton machine for over-mould injection. Most of them are equipped with Star robohands from Japan. ? Surface Processing: Surface processing is where Hoshen started its manufacturing exploration. Until now, the techniques we've explored are related to manifold industries far more than the plastic, but also others, like metal and rubber. So far, the surface processing techniques we are working with include: Automatic Spray Coating; UV Solidifying; Oxidation; Electroplating; Silk Screening; Pad Printing; Laser Etching; Spray Painting; Heat Transferring, etc.. ? What makes us different: 1: Advanced Facility Group: With high-precision facilities mainly imported from Switzerland and Japan, such as GF Agie Charmilles, Mikron, Fanuc, TOYO, Sumitomo, etc., the precision of your mould is guaranteed. 2. Experienced Engineers: The engineers have worked in mould making for 10 years at least. They are experienced in all sorts of plastic moulds. You will get professional assistance in the fastest way. 3. Mass-production-oriented Manufacturing: Years in mass injection production and cooperating with later-assembling factories makes us, when making a mould, concern more than mould making only, but more on how to make later mass production easier and cheaper. 4. In Hoshen, quality is made by habit. 5. Open and Comprehensive Cooperation Platform: We help making moulds, but we can be even helpful in extended services. Based in Shenzhen, the heart of manufacturing in China, and even the world at large, we can help on not only plastic parts, but also the extended, like electronics, assembling, packaging, etc.. Hoshen itself can provide a one-stop solution from mould making to packaging. What we look forward is flexible and all-win cooperation.



