

桥缘公共外交文化交流有限责任公司(以下简称“公司”),是中国惟一一家以公共外交理念进行经营管理的大型综合型企业。公司创建于2008年,筹备期间以桥艺术中心、GBD公共外交文化交流中心两个机构形式,做了大量的国际文化交流及商贸促进活动,将其打造成为一个具有国际影响力的公共外交平台,奠定了以公共外交形式全方位发展的产业基础。 作为惟一的一家以公共外交为经营管理理念的文化产业,公司在桥艺术中心、GBD公共外交文化交流中心多年积累的经验和历年来举办的百余次国际文化交流及商贸促进活动的基础上,以“牵线搭桥为中外企商服务,缘聚天下敞和合共融胸怀”为宗旨,以公共外交为主体,以国际商贸为重心,努力通过多元化、多途径的公共外交与经贸合作,汇聚国际商机,集结企业能量,在努力发展自身文化与自主经济的同时,充分发挥公司的桥梁作用,着力打造国际文化交流与国际商贸投资合作平台,为中国企业“走出去”及国外企业“走进来”提供方便、快捷、畅通的渠道,体现公司以公共外交为主导、以文化艺术为核心、以经济贸易为重心的独特的公共外交企业特色。 公司办公地址为北京朝阳区建国路78号,位于北京国贸CBD核心区域,毗邻国贸、华贸中心、中央电视台等,经营面积1.48万平米,第三期开发下半年开始动工,即将建成2.8万平米的“国际文化交流中心”。 公司主要经营范围: (一)开展公共外交活动,增进中国与各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊; (二)推动中外经济合作与文化交流; (三)推动中外科技、教育、环保等专业领域的互利合作; (四)推动中外人员往来与信息交流;举办研讨会、展览会及洽谈会等活动; (五)推动中外地方政府和城市之间建立友好合作关系; (六)通过有关业务咨询、会刊、网站等形式,为会员提供全方位服务; (七)开展有关的社会公益活动; (八)项目投资、资产管理、投资咨询; (九)开展其他公共外交与文化交流活动。 Qiaoyuan Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange CO,LTD Introduction Qiaoyuan Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange CO,LTD (hereinafter referred to as “company” ) is the sole large comprehensive enterprise which is operated and managed under the concept of public diplomacy idea. Founded in 2008, the company has held numerous international culture exchange and trade promotion activities in the organization shapes of Bridge Art Center and GBD Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center during the preparatory period and that makes it a public diplomacy platform with international influence which develops the industry base of public diplomacy form for the company. As the sole culture industry enterprise that is managed under the concept of public diplomacy, based on years of experience accumulated by the Bridge Art Center and GBD Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center and hundreds of international culture exchange and trade promotion activities, the company aims to serve as a bridge for Chinese and foreign enterprises with an open heart in every aspect, also by taking public diplomacy as the principal and international trade as the center, it strives to gather international commercial opportunities and build up industry energy through diversity and multiple means of public diplomacy and trade cooperation to develop its own culture and autonomous economy as well as to fully play the role of bridge and platform for international culture exchange and trade investment, and meanwhile, the company provides convenient, efficient and smooth channels for Chinese enterprises going out and foreign enterprises bringing in that embodies its public diplomacy guided, culture and art cored and economy centered enterprise features . Qiaoyuan Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange CO,LTD is located in No.78 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, where is within the CBD area and close to Guomao, China Central Place, CCTV. The current location has a trading area of 14,800 ㎡ and the stage 3 which is designed as the “International Culture Exchange Center” of 28,000 ㎡will be started in the latter half of the year. Business scope of the company: 1. Develop public diplomacy activity and enhance the understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people of other countries; 2. Promote economy cooperation and culture exchange of China and the world; 3. Promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries in professional fields such as technology, education and environmental protection; 4. Promote people-to-people contacts and information exchange between China and foreign countries; hold activities like forum, exhibition and negotiation conference; 5. Promote friendly cooperation relationship of local cities and governments between China and foreign countries. 6. Provide comprehensive service for members through related business consultation, bulletins and websites; 7. Develop related public service activities; 8. Undertake related assignments authorized by the government; 9. Project investment, assets management, investment consultation; 10. Develop other public diplomacy and culture exchange activities. 1547615"



