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VMware售后客户经理 TAM






As a Technical Account Manager (TAM), you will build and maintain relationship with VMware's customers that have real passion for technology and the opportunities that it can bring to our life. At those customers, you will be a major focal point for everything that is related to VMware for different teams and levels from the most technical to the most senior executive. You will escort and guide them in their journey to be market leaders by using newest and most advanced technologies in information technologies.
You will also play a key part in representing your customers in VMware, sharing their experience and wishes with the account teams, support and product managers, helping to draw the shape of our products and contribute your point of view for our shared success.

• Be there for your customers. Help them to build their business for success and transform from customers to partners to the digital journey
• Like to think out of the box? Use your skills to help your customers to take the technology to the limit and utilize all that our products can give them. Our customers love to see their investment being fulfilled and you will make sure that they do.
• Help the customer to translate business requirements to technical solutions by building knowledge and understanding of the possibilities presented by different platforms.
• Do you like connecting with people? Be the messenger that breaks down the corporate silos between different technical teams and business teams using simple language and personal skills.
• When troubles come the TAM’s rise! Not everything always goes smooth. At those points you will take leadership on the situation and help everyone to get back on track.

• Demonstrated record of field engagements
• Basic vSphere Platform knowledge
• Strong communication skills, presentation and interpersonal skills
• Effective at working independently and in a virtual team setting
• Ability to speak and write in English fluently

Desirable skills and Education
• Uses professional concepts and company objectives to resolve complex issues in creative and effective ways
• Is able to technically qualify the customer; Qualifies the need, identifies the success criteria, and executes demo; Actively recruits and nominates customers for beta process; Coordinates demos and beta deliveries
• Able to conduct presentations to c-suite-level customer stakeholders as well as engaging with technical leaders; Confirms and clarifies information gained from listening to customers before transmitting / sharing.
• Capable of organizing, planning and running workshops with customer technical, business and managerial staff; Able to perform Solution Architecture Solutioning and develop overall customer solutions and proposals
• Articulates VMW's aim and position clearly. Identifies clearly the aims of customers and other parties. Diplomatically negotiates equitable solutions. Prepares thoroughly, supporting with robust facts and information.
• Actively keeps track of business and technological trends seen in market (through journals, tech. communities, etc.)
• VCP - VMware Certified Professional 5 or greater certification preferred
虚拟化技术和云基础架构的领导者,利用先进的技术促进 IT 的根本转型,帮助全球超过50万企业客户在云计算时代蓬勃发展。我们利用软件定义的数据中心、混合云和终端用户计算三大领域的虚拟化技术,为客户实现实IT运营的简化和自动化,在全球拥50多个办公地点,超过19,000名员工。2013年荣登福布斯全球最创新公司榜单并名列第三,为包括美国、中国等多个国家的最佳雇主,2016年最适宜国工作的100家公司。
2013年荣登福布斯全球最创新公司榜单并名列第三,为包括美国、中国等多个国家的最佳雇主,2016年最适宜国工作的100家公司。中国研发为员工提供不限量的种类繁多的水果、点心和饮料。每一层楼的办公室都设有饮料和食物区,供大家随时取用,Work Smarter,Have Fun Harder,每个月的Happy Hour是小睿十分喜欢的一个节目,这也是同事们的社交时间。Happy Hour有各种各样有趣的主题,例如办公室健康零食试吃、端午节包粽子、正月十五做元宵等等。这时,小睿与同事们会放下手头的工作,享用公司特意为大家准备的各种美食,听前辈们侃侃大山,聊聊生活,或是分享他们在大学时倒腾hacking的往事。对于程序猿(媛)工程狮们来说,台球和乒乓球的确是非常好的休闲运动,一来可以预防肩颈与腰肌劳损,二来可以让你的手眼身体更协调。小睿吃过午饭后时常来这里和同事打几局台球,相互挑战。程序猿(媛)们一般都是电玩高手,游戏也是他们很好的解压方式。所以休息室也是小睿特别喜欢的地方之一,这里有各种video game设备、桌上足球,还为打游戏而准备的懒人沙发、电视屏以及舒适的按摩椅。小睿有时会在按摩椅上一边享受按摩一边美美的睡一个午觉,这绝对是放松身心的绝佳体验。午饭后若不想午睡,图书馆是小睿放松心情的又一选择,这里配备舒适的卡座,有多达上百种与技术相关、或与其它领域相关的书籍、杂志。这些书籍和杂志大多来自于同事们自己的私藏捐赠。在VMware,每一个小地方都有它的温馨。身边的女同事告知,这里是为了一些刚成为妈妈的女同事们设立的母婴室,是公司人性化企业文化建设的体现之一。喜爱社交的小睿同学自然不会错过各个社团的活动。每天下班后的时间,小睿往往就是在参加各种社团活动中度过的。这里的公司的各个社团每周都会组织社团活动,例如篮球、足球、羽毛球、网球、瑜伽、健身、英语演讲、德州扑克、读书、摄影、吉他、舞蹈等等.

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北京大学 宣讲会





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