
南京 ·医疗器械 ·1000-9999人







Job Description Summary
Drives initiatives to improve the effectiveness of the Engineering function and interfaces with other functions to provide effective coordination of metrics, dashboards, functional processes, and cross-functional initiative coordination. Responsible for departmental operations planning/execution or is focused on execution of professional activities within a technical discipline. Functions with some autonomy but guided by established policies or review of end results.
The job allows modification of procedures and practices covering work as long as the end results meet standards of acceptability (quality, volume, timeliness etc.).

Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities

Responsible for developing and managing engineering / technology projects. Interfaces with internal/external customers to ensure organization resource allocation is made. Accountable to deliver the scope of work to the original cost estimate. Manages schedule, budget and integration of NPI and/or requisition projects, including influencing the projects to meet customer CTQs and hit tollgate milestones. Project is often a component of a program.
Includes direct people management responsibility including staffing and performance development. Utilizes in-depth knowledge of a technical discipline and analytical thinking and technical experience to execute policy/strategy.
Has knowledge of best practices and how own area integrates with others; is aware of the competition and the factors that differentiate them in the market
Uses some judgment and has some ability to propose different solutions outside of set parameters to address more complicated manufacturing processes with technical variety and/or interdependent production cycles. Uses technical experience and analytical thinking. Uses multiple internal and limited external sources outside of own teams to arrive at decisions.
Acts as a resource for colleagues with less experience. May lead small projects with low risks and resource requirements. Explains information; developing skills to bring team members to consensus around topics within field. Conveys performance expectations and may handle sensitive issues.
Required Qualifications

This role requires advanced experience in the Engineering/Technology & Project Management. Knowledge level is comparable to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college ( or a high school diploma with relevant experience).
Desired Characteristics

Strong oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated ability to analyze and resolve problems. Ability to document, plan, market, and execute programs. Established project management skills.
GE 医疗致力于成为全球领先的医疗科技、药物诊断和数字化解决方案的创新者,通过提供整合
患者更加健康和幸福。在为患者和医疗机构提供服务的 100 多年中,GE 医疗一直在推进个性化、互
联互通和更富同理心的医疗关爱,同时简化患者诊疗全流程。GE 医疗的医学影像、超声、生命关爱
和药物诊断业务覆盖从诊断治疗到监护各环节的患者医疗关爱。GE 医疗于 2023 年 1 月在美国纳斯
达克股票交易所上市。公司年营收超 183 亿美元,全球 50,000 名员工同心共创无界的医疗关爱。
自 1897 年第一台 X 光机服务中国患者以来,GE 医疗开启了公司一百多年的在华发展历程,与
中国卫生健康事业共成长。GE 医疗于 1986 年在北京成立了第一家办事处。1991 年,GE 医疗与原
航天部和卫生部在北京合资成立了 GE 在中国的第一家合资企业 - 航卫通用电气医疗系统有限公司。
GE 医疗中国现拥有五大工厂,近 7000 名员工,包括一支约 1200 名的研发和应用工程师团队。
在中国,GE 医疗正持续深化全面国产的战略,从产品、渠道、服务、供应链等全方位满足高端、
基层和非公立医疗市场不断增长的多样化需求。目前,GE 医疗在中国已构建了从经济型到高端全覆
盖的医疗设备研发和生产的能力。自 2011 年起,中国团队本土研发并投入市场超过 100 款创新产
品。北京基地研发和生产 CT、X 光机、血管机、手术机等影像设备,GE 全球每三台 CT 中有两台产
自于此,256 排高端 Revolution CT 和高端移动 X 光机已在北京量产;上海建有造影剂生产基地,生
产的造影剂占全球产量 60%,多年位列中国出口医疗器械企业排名前茅;天津建有磁共振成像系统
生产基地,GE 全球每销售两台磁共振产品中就有一台来自天津工厂,并已实现高端 3.0T 磁共振设
生产的超声产品占比 GE 全球超声销售量 40%,已实现包括心脏、全身、妇产在内的全线超声系列


