
深圳 ·IT/互联网 ·20-99人







Job Description:

1. Receive visitors; provide clients with detailed college counseling and comprehensive information of US universities ;
2. Customize studying plans for students according to their personal circumstances;
3. Instruct students to prepare for and complete application (including essays);
4. Improve professional abilities, including researching and collecting information of US universities;

Job Qualifications:

1. Bachelor’s degree or above, major in any discipline; in good command of English, quick learner is preferred;
2. Honest and sincere; work with diligence and responsibility;
3. Skilled in communication and coordination;
4. Have experience in counseling, essay edition; studying abroad experience is preferred;

Working Hours:
9:00 a.m.-18:00 p.m. each day, five days a week. (We may require working overtime on weekends, which could be compensated by taking other workdays off.)

Additional Benefits:

1. Comfortable, nice working environment and atmosphere with post-80s employees;
2. Social security (endowment, medical, unemployment, employment injury, maternity insurance) and other social welfare provided;
3. Professional orientation training and promising career development guaranteed;

About Seafame Education Consultant (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.: Founded in 2011, Seafame Education specializes in providing customized consulting and planning service for Chinese families preparing to send their children to study in the United States.

Our service covers college counseling, summer school application instruction, enriching academic and interest-oriented activities, as well as a series of featured educational programs including private tutoring by experienced teachers and follow-up service during students' college years.

Our clients includes, but are not limited to: CEOs from state-owned enterprises, private entrepreneurs, and senior executives from health care and education industry, whose children are intended for high schools, colleges, and graduate schools in the United States。




海涛教育成立于2011年,始终秉持“厚学树人”的教育理念,专注海外留学定制化申请。13年里,我们成功协助481名学生拿到2315枚全球顶尖大学Offer,学生遍及美国、英国、加拿大、香港、新加坡及欧洲。98%的本科申请学生成功入读当年US News Top50 或 QS Top100大学。2022~2023年度的研究生申请季,海涛教育帮助学生收获7枚哥伦比亚大学、5枚约翰霍普金斯大学、2枚耶鲁大学(含3万美金奖学金)、2枚芝加哥大学、2枚新加坡国立大学、1枚香港大学、1枚伦敦政经大学Offer,以及1枚重磅的牛津大学Offer。无论申请前后,海涛教育致力于提供细致周到的过程管理,并关注每位学生的身心健康,让学生在申请过程中实现个人成长与申请成果的双重价值。未来,海涛教育将继续用专业、敬业和职业的态度,帮助更多优秀学子实现梦想。