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1. 全面运营管理:主导所辖店面的整体运营,实施公正的日常行为规范管理及绩效考核,营造积极的工作氛围。确保团队协同完成既定销售指标。
2. 决策与优化:积极参与门店行政与运营的关键决策过程,定期评估营业状况,敏锐捕捉改进机会,推动门店绩效持续提升。
3. 团队建设与人才培养:负责所辖店铺员工的职业路径规划与能力培养,激发团队活力,促进个人潜能发挥,增强团队凝聚力与参与感。4. 顾客体验与沟通:积极维护与员工、顾客及合作伙伴之间的良好沟通,创造卓越顾客体验,树立品牌形象。
5. 店铺资产管理:包括定期盘点、账目核对,确保财物方面准确无误。

1. 教育背景与经验:大专及以上学历,拥有5年以上零售行业工作经验,其中包括至少1年的门店团队管理经历。
2. 行业认知与文化认同:对时尚行业有较深理解,高度认同公司文化和价值观。
3. 专业技能与工具应用:具备零售连锁行业运营管理的深厚知识基础,熟练使用各类办公软件。
4. 个人素质:秉持高尚的职业道德,责任心强,事业心旺盛,具备优秀的协调与沟通能力。

薪酬福利:- 基本薪资:月薪范围9,000起+门店达标奖

- 核心福利:五险一金、绩效奖金、丰富的节日福利。

- 额外激励:提供业绩提升培训、海外考察学习机会,享受带薪年假、生日特别假期及礼遇、男女产假政策,以及员工专属购物折扣,全方位关照员工成长与发展。

Luxury Store Manager / Shop Manager Recruitment Ad

SKYMALL, a pioneering operator in travel retail luxury, has been steadfastly operating for eighteen prosperous years, establishing itself as a benchmark within the industry.

Over the past decade, we have proudly collaborated with nearly twenty of the world's elite luxury brands, reinforcing partnerships and deepening integration. Our commitment extends beyond respecting each brand's unique cultural essence; we bridge gaps by applying local operational wisdom and sincere service, enabling these brands to firmly establish themselves in domestic markets and radiate brilliance.

Looking ahead, SKYMALL aspires to lead as both an innovator and guardian in China's travel retail landscape, consistently evolving to enhance travelers' shopping experiences with exceptional professionalism, offering consumers superior goods and services, and infusing joy into every journey. Our resolve is to transform travel commercial spaces, such as airports, into premier shopping destinations in the minds of travelers.

Our core corporate culture revolves around three pillars: "Integrity, Accountability, and Dedication." These principles form the backbone of our team's ethos and propel SKYMALL forward. If these values resonate with you, we warmly invite you to join us in this commercial realm amidst the sky – SKYMALL, where together we can forge new heights of success.

Company Name:SKYMALL Beishan Industries (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.

Position:Luxury Store Manager / Shop Manager

Location:BeiJing skp/BeiJing IT

Job Responsibilities:

1. Overall Operations Management:Lead the comprehensive operations of the assigned store, enforce fair daily conduct regulations and performance assessments, fostering a proactive work environment to guarantee team collaboration in achieving set sales goals.
2. Decision-Making & Optimization:Actively engage in pivotal administrative and operational decisions, periodically evaluate business performance, promptly identify areas for improvement, and propel ongoing store performance enhancements.
3. Team Development & Talent Cultivation:Oversee career planning and skill enhancement for store staff, invigorate team dynamism, facilitate personal potential realization, and reinforce team cohesion and engagement.
4. Customer Experience & Communication:Maintain excellent communication with staff, customers, and partners, create exceptional customer experiences, and reinforce brand identity.
5. Store Asset Management:Conduct regular inventories, account reconciliations to ensure precise financial management.


1. Education & Experience:Diploma or above, with over five years of experience in retail, including a minimum of one year managing store teams.
2. Industry Knowledge & Cultural Alignment:Profound comprehension of the fashion industry with strong alignment to the company's culture and values.
3. Professional Competencies & Tools:Extensive knowledge in retail chain operations management and proficient in utilizing various office software.
4. Personal Attributes:Uphold high ethical standards, exhibit strong accountability, possess a keen entrepreneurial spirit, and excel in coordination and communication.

Compensation & Benefits:

- Base Salary:Starting from RMB 10,000 monthly plus performance-based commissions, with top earners earning over RMB 30,000.
- Core Benefits:Comprehensive social insurance, housing fund, performance bonuses, and generous festive perks.
- Additional Incentives:Training for performance enhancement, opportunities for overseas study trips, paid annual leave, special birthday leaves and gifts, parental leave policies, and exclusive employee discounts for shopping, all aimed at nurturing employees' growth and development holistically.

