





主要职责 Key Responsibilities:
- 定义和阐述电磁仿真软件的产品愿景和战略,确保与市场需求和技术进步保持一致。
- 收集、分析和优先考虑来自客户、销售、市场、工程和科学界的意见,制定全面的产品路线图。
- 负责从想法生成、设计、开发、发布到持续改进的全流程产品生命周期。
- 领导跨职能团队,按时并在预算内成功交付产品功能和增强功能。
- 推动用户体验设计工作,以确保客户获得直观、高效和令人满意的体验。
- 建立使用高级仿真软件解决复杂天线和EMI/EMC问题的指导方针和最佳实践。
- 担任产品的倡导者,提供思想领导力,并建立像网络研讨会、工作坊和用户群等参与渠道。
- Define and articulate the product vision and strategy for electromagnetic simulation software, ensuring alignment with market demands and technological advancements.
- Gather, analyze, and prioritize input from customers, sales, marketing, engineering, and the scientific community to develop a comprehensive product roadmap.
- Take ownership of the end-to-end product lifecycle, including idea generation, design, development, launch, and continuous improvement.
- Lead cross-functional teams to successfully deliver product features and enhancements on time and within budget.
- Drive user experience design efforts to ensure an intuitive, efficient, and satisfying experience for our customers.
- Establish guidelines and best practices for using advanced simulation software to solve complex antenna and EMI/EMC problems.
- Act as an evangelist for the product, providing thought leadership and setting up engagement channels like webinars, workshops, and user groups.
职位要求 Requirements:
- 电气工程、计算机科学、物理学或相关技术领域的学士或硕士学位。拥有博士学位者更佳。
- 至少 10 年使用high-fidelity 电磁仿真软件(HFSS、CST 或类似软件)解决复杂问题的工业经验。
- 至少 3 年的产品开发和管理经验,最好是仿真或 CAE 工具方面的经验。
- 具有电磁场理论(天线工程、射频前端、EMI/EMC)方面的深厚背景,以及 CEM 算法和仿真软件的知识/应用。
- 作为用户熟悉 EDA,CST、HFSS、FEKO(这三种其中任何一种)、ADS、COMSOL。
- 熟练掌握软件编程(Python、Matlab)。
- 在用户体验设计方面有良好的记录,能够将复杂的功能转化为用户可访问的功能。
- 具有较强的领导能力和沟通技巧,能够有效地与技术和非技术利益相关者合作。
- 英语流利,具有出色的口头和书面沟通能力。

- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or related technical field. A PhD is a plus.
- Minimum of 10 years of industrial experience using high-fidelity electromagnetic simulation software (HFSS, CST, or similar) for complex problem-solving.
- Minimum of 3 years of experience in product development and management, preferably in simulation or CAE tools.
- Strong background in electromagnetic field theory (antenna engineering, RF front-end, EMI/EMC) and knowledge/application of CEM algorithms and simulation software.
- Familiarity with EDA, CST, HFSS, FEKO (any one of these), ADS, COMSOL as a user.
- Proficiency in software programming (Python, Matlab).
- Proven track record in user experience design, with the ability to turn complex functionality into accessible features for users.
- Strong leadership and communication skills to effectively collaborate with technical and non-technical stakeholders.
- Fluent in English with exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
MagiCloud is at the forefront of revolutionizing the engineering simulation landscape through our pioneering ultra-fast simulation technology. Our impressive suite of products, including the acclaimed CFD software Flow360 and Electromagnetic software Tidy3D, are making waves across diverse industries from automotive design to quantum computing. Our foundational roots trace back to the visionary expertise of simulation technology leaders from Stanford University and MIT, and our path is propelled forward by substantial backing from VC firms. Being at the cutting edge means we're constantly innovating, and our journey is marked by rapid growth aimed at disrupting the traditional engineering simulation industry.
As our market and products grow, we are rapidly expanding and searching for partners who are eager to grow in a dynamic environment, possess an entrepreneurial spirit, and have the ability to scale our team. MagiCloud is dedicated to providing equal employment opportunities. We firmly believe that talent from diverse backgrounds can bring a rich and varied perspective to our company. We warmly welcome candidates from all backgrounds to join us on this passionate and challenging journey, together facing the most compelling challenges in the field of engineering computation.