Nanjing Tourist Assistant
Nanjing tourist assistant opens you a colourful journey of the ancient capital of six dynasties! It is an App which provides practical information of Nanjing on restaurants, hotels, transportation, scenic spots, shopping, entertainment, as well as the most comprehensive and timely information of tourism. It is without a doubt your personal smart tourist -guide in Nanjing! Main functions: Nanjing Handbook: Through six columns, you will be introduced to Nanjing overview, folk customs, food culture, colorful festivals, geographic location and Nanjing tourism resources; make you have a full picture of Nanjing in a short time. Information Inquiry: Useful information is available about eating, living, housing, traveling, shopping and playing in Nanjing, including information introduction, geographic location, consulting phone number and so on. One-click navigation to your destination and quick phone dialing are also available. Smart guide: According to tourist location, the voice guide about the scenic spot is automatically played, simultaneous literal introduction and scenery pictures are provided, and the best touring route is recommended to you, so as to save your time and energy when traveling in the scenic area. Periphery quick-check: Within the range of 2km, it is easy for you to capture any information that you like. Delicious food and interesting places are at your fingertip. Map mode brings your great convenience.
苏州园区通是由苏州海客科技有限公司通为苏州工业园区的市民、工作人士、外来旅行者、商务人士打造的一款旅行生活类App。 苏州园区通综合了丰富的园区商务、生活、旅游等各方面信息资源。您可以通过应用:搜索园区的吃住行游购娱场所、快速查找公交站台及到站情况、*时间了解园区*天气情况;根据所在位置,一览周边*近的服务场所及点评信息,并一键导航带你前往;景区智能导游,无需请人工导游,全智能语音真人自动讲解,手绘精美地图展示,*景区路线推荐,让您省时省力又省钱;提供园区经典旅游路线推荐,带你玩转整个苏州工业园区。 以上描述中存在违反广告法的内容,自动用*代替
玩伴,为你的旅行提供全面服务的手机智能导游APP! 把导游装进手机里,吃住行游购娱信息一站式提供,轻松搞定你的旅行! 1. “我的旅行”,自助管理 在“我的旅行”或者玩伴网录入旅游计划,随时查看和修改,手机端和网站可互相同步。 2.景区导游,专业解说 玩伴根据游客位置自动播放所在景点的真人语音解说,同时提供文字介绍和景点图片,并推荐景区*游览路线,让你省时省力全面玩转景区。 目前覆盖城市91个,景区3000个以上,你就可劲儿的放心的玩吧! 3.评论自由,吐槽无罪 新增评论功能,评论自由,吐槽无罪,让你呈现*真实的旅游感受。 4.周边服务,全面贴心 周边2000米范围内,查找任何信息都可手到擒来,好吃的好玩的一应俱全,美食、购物、娱乐、酒店等信息达到50万个……吃、住、行、游、购、娱信息海量提供,包罗万象,应有尽有;无论是普通青年,文艺青年还是2B青年都能在玩伴找到自己的菜儿。 5.预先下载,省时省钱 提前下载城市数据,既省流量又提升加载速度。 旅行很精彩,环境也很重要。保护环境,从你我做起。 以上描述中存在违反广告法的内容,自动用*代替