
北京宝马MKT 部门面试。
属于上个实习生要走了找继任情况 所以投简历后应该是上个实习生问了一下个人基本情况+1分钟英文自我介绍 前天是直属业务经理面试(上个实习生的boss),比较不苟言笑的一个人,面试内容根据简历问的比较细,然后很看重实习时间 第二天上午就给通知了 昨天是HR面,感觉不好!! 特别严肃,然后用英文问了两个问题我毫无准备回答得不好,一直磕巴。最后她问我还有什么问题时,本来没什么问题的我硬憋了一个问题,结果她说我这个问题应该是昨天和经理面试就应该了解清楚了,感觉自己给自己挖坑了! 今天上午还没收到通知,感觉没戏。
Q:英语1:你怎么看待宝马这个品牌 2:你对自己未来的规划。1条回答


BMW Group (China) comprises three entities: NSC, BCS, &SF. This comments only for references of intern recruiting process of NSC. The whole recruiting circle entails three steps below: 1) CV SCREEN, for freshers, like me, optimising CVs is the top priority when dedicating to win a intern position in BMW, or any other corporates. Using NUMBER, SHORT paragraph, and touching personal STORIES on CV. Using those unique experiences that really make you are yourself. It will help in increasing interviewer's interest on you, and then you win a chance to have a talk with them latter. For me, additionally, CV layout is not believed as matter as others said, as i used a CV created by WORD only. Focusing on contents and be unique. 2) PHONE INTERVIEW comes after you were dropped into the candidate pool, which normally focusing on experiences presented by CVs. It is therefore emphasises importances of optimising a outstanding CV again. BMW version is also a basic phone interview, bored a little bit: introduce yourself (EN), the biggest challenge you have ever met (EN), personal experiences (CN / EN), your current location & availability of time (CN). Importantly, your predecessor is the one who in charge of first two steps. Relax :). 3) ONSITE INTERVIEW, normally conducted by your future line manager, 1-on-1, lasts 30 min approximately. It begins with your self-introduction, yep again so do your work before the interview, and followed by personal motivation in applying this position: WHY BMW? WHY HR? WHY INTERN rather than a full time job? Sort your thoughts out and present it in a logic order. The rest is more like a job briefing rather than a interview. Enjoy.. Sorry, i was forced to write such a interview experiences, indeed, it is a piece of shit. Do not believe in it, please....查看更多
Q:WHY INTERN rather than a full time job?
2 年前 发布



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