
IBM Application Developer 面试
IBM招聘严格来说分为4轮。 第一轮是网投简历,就是看你的简历是不是符合岗位需求,只要针对岗位要求写就问题不大。 简历过了就是第二轮是网上测试,主要是逻辑分析推理测试,难度不大,就是每道题时间限制关系,注意把握时间,不然会出现埋头算第一题,还没算完第二题都开始计时了,这部分考察你在限定时间内。 第三轮是电话面试,会让你做英语自我介绍,也会用英语问你一些问题,类似项目经历,从业遇到的困难,为什么想换工作,自我职业规划等等,到了技术部分基本就是汉语交流。 最后第四轮,就是face to face,要去公司当面面试,一般是经理级别的人面你,一般时间比较长都在30-60分钟左右,面试内容和电话面差距不大,只是更细。切记不要问薪资,你面试过了会有HR打电话和你谈。 最后就是外企走流程真的慢。当时我从第四轮到最后收到offer差不多3周时间。


have recently attended an interview with IBM for java , Spring and Web services profile.I have 5 years 3 month of total experience.I got a mail from recruiter tat they have opening in IBM for Java. I confirmed tat i will attend this interview . Day 1: First round was Online mcq test on java and a program which you have to compile and run . It should pass the test cases . Like in hackers earth .MCQ was based on core java and it was basics . I dont remember all the questions butthe questions were from collections , constructor , Super keyword , polymorphism and simple thread.And the program i got was to check if a number is Armstrong no or not.I cleared it . Second round was technical . It was telephonic but i have to take it from IBM office only . this will be bit tough . For me the interviewer was rude but i managed. Below were the questions he asked me .What is Immutable class in java ?Create your own immutable class ?what is singleton and factory ?how to make singleton class thread safe?What are Demon Thread in Java ? What is Garbage collection ?What is the priority of GC ?Difference between Comparator and comparable?Questions from Hash code and equals method for Custom Objects .Difference between hashmap and hash table?what is Dependency injection ? what is beans and its life cycle ?Questions from Application COntext and annotations.Create a REST API to give the response as hello world .Different methods in REST -PUT , POST ,GET , DELETE?Difference between PUT and POST? ...查看更多
2 年前 发布



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