

其它 ·酒店 ·500-999人

ftune international hotel is a platinum fivestar stard hotel , invested owned by fukang group. feat ...全部展开
ftune international hotel is a platinum fivestar stard hotel , invested owned by fukang group. featuring the style room, professional meeting service, delicate food beverage, full equipped entertainment other equipments , ftune international hotel has been opened.
富康国际酒店是富康集团旗下一家按五星级硬件倾力打造,融住房、会议、餐饮、娱乐等多种服务形态为一体的五星级商务酒店, 现已全面开业。
the hotel is about 70,000 square meters, has 30 steys, located in ruijin street, xingyi city. the city is the capital of qianxinan the junction of guizhou, sichuan guangxi. xingyi city is a best tourist city in china knows as “chinese painting city”. the hotel is the lmark of xingyi liked a twin tower, abutting on convention exhibition center, xingyi city square the 324 national highway, merely 10 minutes away from xingyi airpt by car, 15 minutes away from xingyi railway station. traffic is very convenient.
酒店建筑面积7万平米,楼高30层,座落于珠江上游黔、滇、桂三省区结合部,国家级优秀旅游城市,有着“水墨金州”美誉的黔西南州首府所在地兴义市瑞金大道,酒店为兴义市地标性双子塔建筑。毗邻市会展中心、兴义广场, 紧邻324国道,距兴义机场仅10分钟车程,距兴义火车站15分钟车程,交通十分便利。
the hotel is set-upped well-equipped service facilities, has 438 diverse rooms, including stard rooms, luxury rooms, suites, luxury suites, utive flo, presidential suite, a multifunctional hall with a capacity of 400 people, chinese western restaurant, specialty food restaurant, conference rooms of different sizes, health facilities. we also have the largest most luxury ktv club,swimming pool, golf driving range, spa, shopping centers, view lounge, health entertainment facilities. the ftune international hotel is the largest, well-equipped, most discerning most tasteful platinum five-star stard hotel in qianxinazhou area.
酒店各种功能设施齐全,拥有各类客房438间(套),含标准间、豪华单间、套房、豪华套房、行政楼层、总统套房;以及能容纳约400人同时就餐的多功能宴会大厅、中西式餐厅、特色餐厅、大小会议室、健身康乐设施齐全;还设有黔西南州规模最大、装修最顶级豪华的ktv夜总会, 泳池、高尔夫推杆场、spa、购物中心、观光酒廊、康体休闲娱乐设施等。是黔西南州最具规模、配套设施最全、最具品位、最具气质的白金五星级标准涉外酒店。
not only do we offer the high salary welfare, but also systematic training the career development. we have the perfect salary promotion examination system, to create a favable environment f employees to improve themselves develop their potential.the hotel will ganize activities regularly, such as outsting employee award, smile ambassad award, employee birthday party.
ftune international hotel is looking fward you to join us. the hotel is welcome all kinds of talents of guizhou province who want to develop in home, the hotel sincerely provides employment internships opptunities f this years graduates universities colleges of tourism hotel management professional, welcome the teachers students of various institutions to visit, discuss cooperation matters.
尤其欢迎在外地工作的贵州籍各类人才回乡发展,酒店真诚为应届毕业生和各大院校的旅游酒店管理专业的实习生提供就业实习机会,欢迎各院校的师生前来考察,洽谈合作事宜。 收起全部


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    • 0-20人
    • 20-99人
    • 99-499人
    • 500-999人
    • 1000-9999人
    • 10000以上







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