





Responsibilities of foreign QA positions:
1. Responsible for the evaluation of the company's English-German/French/Japanese part-time translators' test drafts, and improve the company's outsourcing translators' warehousing level;
2. Responsible for the tripartite evaluation of the company's English-German/legal/Japanese outsourcing project sampling inspection projects, issue professional quality inspection evaluation reports, and assist the company in eliminating and screening core suppliers;
3. Use the company's self-developed machine translation assistance software to translate and proofread manuscripts from English to German/Legal/Japanese to ensure that each translation is readable, meets the project requirements and has no inconsistencies in key terms, spelling errors, and numerical errors. and formatting errors (errors in punctuation, labelling, etc.), or edit, polish such translation deliverables to ensure that they are accurate, legible and customary to native speakers;
4. When multiple editors are involved in a project at the same time, the role of QA as the project owner ensures the consistency of deliverables (such as style consistency and key term consistency);
5. Organize the creation and maintenance of English to Korean style guides, terminology databases, TM databases and other company assets;
6. Participate in and organize department training, share QA experience with team members, and assist the company to build an internal and foreign QA team;

1) Prepares the QA guideline and modifies such document as needed.
2) Uses computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools to proofread documents from Chinese-to- German/French/Japanese/Korean/Italian to make sure that deliverables are readable, in compliant with project requirements and free of errors like key term inconsistency, typos, number errors and format errors (punctuation errors, tag errors, etc.), or polish such translation deliverables to ensure they are accurate, clear and native.
3) Provides a QA report for each processed project.
4) Acts as a project owner to ensure consistency of deliverables (such as style consistency and key term consistency) when efforts of multiple editors are involved.
5) Manages workload properly and delivers all projects in a timely manner.
6) Communicates with project managers effectively to ensure that all projects are done according to the requirements of our clients.
7) Creates and maintains terminology and translation memory databases.
8) Attends or holds training sessions to share project experience, translation/editing skills, or other business-related knowledge with team members.
昆仲科技(以下称 CCJK )成立于 2000 年,是一家经过 ISO 认证的语言与 IT 服务提供商。公司创立之初,主要致力于成为其他翻译公司的可靠合作伙伴,提供外包服务。CCJK 长期坚持履行高质量服务的承诺,积累了大量客户资源。良好的商业道德加上以质量为中心的运营模式,为公司赢得非常高的声誉,吸引了各个领域的客户。目前,CCJK 已经与全球 800 多家客户建立稳定的业务关系。

考虑到信息技术已经影响到日常生活的方方面面,CCJK 开始为客户提供优质、实惠的 IT 服务,在 IT 部门加大人力、物力、财力投入,全方位满足客户需求。CCJK 的 IT 部门日益发展壮大,对于一贯支持我们的客户,CCJK 在此表示由衷的感谢!

CCJK 迈出的每一步都经过深思熟虑,我们在实践中反复验证每一个决定。IT 队伍的壮大为客户带来优质、实惠的 IT 服务,使我们能够为客户提供一站式的解决方案,满足客户的各种需求。通过同时为客户提供语言服务和 IT 服务,我们可以更好地了解客户及其项目,进一步提高服务水平,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。

目前,CCJK 可提供网站开发、软件应用开发、在线学习 (e-learning) 开发、企业解决方案等多种 IT 服务。企业解决方案面向的客户,其企业规模可大可小,特别适用于服务、娱乐等行业的客户。CCJK 配备经验丰富的专业人士,无论使用何种技术的项目都不在话下。此外,我们的语言服务还增加了写作、录音文件翻译、字幕和旁白翻译等,使我们的产品目录更加完善、综合化。
CCJK 吸纳了 2000 多名精英人士,分布在全球各个地区,目前人数仍在增长。我们希望广纳贤才,解决客户的实际问题,为客户分忧。我们具备必备的知识和技能,不断挖掘客户需求,为不同类型的客户提供个性化的解决方案,实现超越客户预期的服务。


CCJK 积累了充足的精英资源,所有项目均由具备多年行业经验、掌握精湛专业技能的精英人士承接。我们有着完善的内外部评分体系,确保承接项目的所有资源都处于行业领先水平。


创业十几年来,CCJK 一直使用专有的评分机制和质量保障体系,严格按照既定工作流程,保证语言服务与 IT 服务一贯的高质量交付。


CCJK 了解客户的价格诉求,竭力为客户节约成本。合理的工作流程保证我们在提供高质量服务的同时将客户成本降至最低。不仅如此,我们还能根据客户不同的需求,提供合理的解决方案,在客户使用我们的产品和服务的过程中,帮助客户进一步节约成本。




一去 先是扫码填信息表  然后两页的笔试题 第一页是写给客户发英语邮件信 第二页是校对译文的错误 注意错别字 然后是面试 自我介绍 工作经历 薪酬待遇 大同小异 ...查看全文