
外包进入 直接面试 感觉很简单
简历投递之后外包公司电话过来询问,IBM一个支付项目是不是感兴趣。想想是大企业又是大型支付项目就去试试咯。 面试过程相对来说比较轻松(一对一的那种),项目相关负责人过来直接找了个小房间。 首先是自我介绍,然后是相关项目经验、使用的技术、和其他团队成员怎么配合。技术问题主要集中在 前端 三大框架这一块算是比较基本的问题,现在想想还是蛮简单的。之后大概两天外包公司就通知面试通过了。


have recently attended an interview with IBM for java , Spring and Web services profile.I have 5 years 3 month of total experience.I got a mail from recruiter tat they have opening in IBM for Java. I confirmed tat i will attend this interview . Day 1: First round was Online mcq test on java and a program which you have to compile and run . It should pass the test cases . Like in hackers earth .MCQ was based on core java and it was basics . I dont remember all the questions butthe questions were from collections , constructor , Super keyword , polymorphism and simple thread.And the program i got was to check if a number is Armstrong no or not.I cleared it . Second round was technical . It was telephonic but i have to take it from IBM office only . this will be bit tough . For me the interviewer was rude but i managed. Below were the questions he asked me .What is Immutable class in java ?Create your own immutable class ?what is singleton and factory ?how to make singleton class thread safe?What are Demon Thread in Java ? What is Garbage collection ?What is the priority of GC ?Difference between Comparator and comparable?Questions from Hash code and equals method for Custom Objects .Difference between hashmap and hash table?what is Dependency injection ? what is beans and its life cycle ?Questions from Application COntext and annotations.Create a REST API to give the response as hello world .Different methods in REST -PUT , POST ,GET , DELETE?Difference between PUT and POST? ...查看更多
2 年前 发布



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