
Three round interviews.
经过三轮面试,每次开头会有中文寒暄一下,然后确认能讲一些英语,我们就用英语进行面试了,我把面试过程也写成英语,大家姑且看看吧。 Conclusion put on the first: You got prepare behaviour questions, technical questions. Plus, You must learn to talk in a nice way, you must learn to smile even you are nervous. There are three round interviews: First round, I submit resume. HR will call me 2 weeks after that. We chatted 20 mins. I would say it is a friendly chat. The recruiter is a nice person. Question ask in this round: A. When could come and start to work? B. Then ask what time you could come to interview? Second round interview It is a interview with HR department guys. Three persons in the office. I would say it is pretty standard behaviour interviews. Most questions asked are behaviour questions. Like A. If you have a problem with your co-workers, you usually how to deal with it? B. Do you think you have a leadership ability? C. How to plan the coming 10 years. What kind of role you would expect in this company? Basically, none technical question in this round. I feel this round is just for them to test you are nice person, easy-going, be able to quickly fit-it their company culture. Third round interview This round is kind of tough interview. Since I was not 应届毕业生, so the interview is sort of deeper and more detailed. They asked me to make a short-presentation of the projects I did in the past. I talked about 5 min. They feel my English is ok and seems I will not stop soon. So they ask interrupt me and ask me some other non-relevant question. Question asked: A. Could you give us a brief introduction of your past project. B. Stress concentration in plastic molded parts C. What 3-D tool you are able to use? D. Plastic material selection. What plastic material have been used in your projects. Why choose that? What kind of advantage this material has? E. In your past project experience, what is the most difficult thing you feel? F. 还有其他问题,基本上属于工程材料、材料力学、机械设计范畴的,所以面试前,稍微回顾一下书籍,但是记住不用去记太深的知识,面试问的基本上非常的浅,不是期末考试嘛,他们只是想确认一下你是否拥有general 的概念,进入公司之后是否还有继续学习的能力。其次,面试的时候切记要友善,很多问题他们会一路追问到底,其实只是测试一下你到底懂多少,还捎带测试一下你的抗压能力,以后工作中,能否和同事相处的好。 谢谢大家,欢迎提问哈。
Q:A. When could come and start to work?1条回答
Q:Do you think you have a leadership ability?1条回答
Q:How to plan the coming 10 years. What kind of role you would expect in this company?1条回答
Q:Stress concentration in plastic molded parts1条回答
Q:What 3-D tool you are able to use?1条回答




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